COVID-19 Vaccination Info

Due to school traffic in Jasper, we have decided to do the COVID-19 vaccinations at different locations. We have selected two sites that we will use as remote locations to give the vaccine. With the limited staff at the health department, we will only be able to give the vaccine at one location at a time, so please pay close attention to when we announce which location we will be at.

The two locations we have chosen are the Whitwell City Park and the Kimball City Park. We are working on getting both sites prepared to make the flow of traffic work as smoothly as possible.

We will use the following ways to get the word out to when and where and time of the next POD (Point of Dispense). The County Mayor's FB page, Marion County EMA FB page, Marion County website (, Marion County News FB page and WEPG. When you are watching the news channels out of Chattanooga, what they are saying about the vaccine doesn't necessarily apply to Marion County. Hamilton County owns and operates their own health department; Marion County Health Department is under the direction of the State of Tennessee Health Department.

We will announce the next POD this afternoon at 1:00pm. We are waiting for the health department to let us know when the next shipment of the vaccine is received and what time the next POD will be.

Denise Mason